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balance up down death gospel life pastoral vicissitude biology lives world age vital longevity bucolic biography domesticity sarsen vivid philosophy lifetime atonement infancy suburbia bumpy volatile religion first down suicide earth civilization nature privation middle age roller–coaster deathbed urbanism veil botany green lifelong youth living biosphere retirement supreme sacrifice infant afterlife Derby Downs fluctuate philosopher may the biosphere animism teens animated
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biota azoic seesaw exobiology Taoism sustain Race breath fortune livelihood counterculture romance vivacious biographical botanize world-weary decease innocence physiology live viable flat biodiversity Southdown resurrection lively time competence life insurance culture worldly support inflection New Testament geography taedium vitae zoology biometry realism capital nomadize roller coaster choppy fluctuating rusticate ups and downs prelife kill vegetation spirit adulthood midlife sustenance water biolysis quietus numerology middle-aged mortality pop art monachism dead blood life jacket animation roguery immortality Kali climacteric alchemy environment old age militarism rising Hughes Galatea society day Epsom anima self-destruction agony biogenic childhood Ecclesiastes life expectancy dew pond assumption biolytic adolescence lot archaeology [or] archeology ghost agrobiology life-breath asceticism astragal Brahma archaeology thread pathography jolly virtue Paul Laurence Dunbar fatalism alive protoplasm modernism dying rough existence gangsta rap convert Surrey Goodwin Sands salty urban moral human rights Weald, the autumnal Ammon monkery sudden infant death syndrome estate film noir puberty Precambrian standard of living profligacy vernal karma crib death animative biognosis Cinderella Darwinian theory civil hack Mahabharata schooldays anaerobiosis memoir Walter Mitty biographer nonlife stoic hylozoism soul bacteriology life tree bio-bibliographical Jesus Christ physicist creationism baby tooth disadvantaged mill-run downland St. euthenics biotechnology monk retribution lain revitalization biochemistry biogenesis priestly vitalism cold survival christianity limnology Dorset Down habit West Saxon sea psychology tenderfoot experience astrobiology Tao ageing downsman domesticate quell ascetic eternity white dwarf respire cloistered translocation linesman ridgeway biennial closeup folk end paleontology biological dolce vita suburban subsistence American Dream vital signs abdominal biome killing ahimsa comedy soldiering working life necessity innocent prebiotic Privy Council antecedent fast lane trauma center annuity lifestyle mendicity liveness phenology neonatal the New Testament want predation bloat joie de vivre surrender extropy kapok cytology vibrant geology character marriage law menopause cholera actuary alimentation locomotion youthful civilized architecture nectar night hearth monastic hedonism righteousness defunct flora organism biographize twenty subculture Reigate probation draw slaughter breeding citified veteran hermitage nutriment vitality deportment libertine biopic postmeridian countrified black genial glassy quickness monasticism live happily ever after terminal chastity cracker-barrel virginity worldliness Ghost Dance autobiographical welfare leisure Ray technology whole life insurance mystery play worldly-minded career Hampshire school psychodrama moralist Phoenix caterpillar god evolution nun the nature of things bright lights downy life preserver remainder materialism fresh nightly warm-up signifying philosophy of life vital statistics impatient tribalism lifeward pedology Joycean hole-and-corner atman biocide bimorph kittenish life peerage rude nutritive at peace biophilia middle youth dispensation quality nutritious land zoonomy interlace spry sprightly bion cheesecake affected East Sussex pratfall mock-up life annuity rest zoobenthos vale of years safety pragmatism school doctor perinatology physical jerks xenology life goes on aged convenance keep premortal inorganic antibiotic hill figure macrobiotics bioscience bioverse social studies Judaism in the flower of sb's youth pad mix-up earth mother lost soul Kent plenty Hindutva otherism rurbanism sanctity oceanarium man-up protozoic strength amount at risk academe hazard suspend mod cons die a misspent youth bancassurance worldly–wise voluptuary ab comedy of manners blackboard jungle great divide full of beans domestic chronobiology Maoritanga samsara living death martyrology decline repent student government autoecious seamy grassland someone’s declining years philanthropy belle époque western road life practical paleontologic geology bohemianism eudipleura social Barcoo sandwich physianthropy profile Rousseauism the simple life Lazarus asp insurance trust interiority salad days bon vivant QALY urbane family life materialistic work-life fetch the end of the world competency man-to-man orientation mind heart dotage cooper touchback cakes and ale the (or one's) last breath term claim twilight years uncertainty xenobiology historical sociology bioindustry deprived main street life-tide godly worldling dynamiter preserve backstory bittersweet plant life dirt-poor robbery revivification neurobiology value military the final curtain life's end newspaperdom sb's declining years pilgrimage bored raison d’être legend december domestication tomb colonialism birth fossil fine center of someone's universe to (or until) one's dying day vagabondia last age ruin the last reproductive life-saver ichthyofauna fun-loving early consciousness cradle off-screen increment astrotheology fa'a Samoa bloodshed mortal rural to the last nuclear cycle soup teenage spirituality superorganic hako chi middle-age life history motility bionomics rural sociology naiad vanitas book the school of hard knocks lifeworld significs biopsychic tempo representative art intelligent design cowboy film bottom-dwelling empowerment domesticated germ life lieutenant biocritical eutrophic life-giving country lover self-worth tweedy microflora quarter independence life-sized for life Berkshire bottom-feeding state foment agrestic mentation whole–life street-smart world–weary heavy payload rehabilitation rogue quarterlife crisis genius ibn-Gabirol lifelong learning off-putting taoist wise caloricity occupation pinniped rural economics alchemist nobelium martyr plankton yogi be (all) part of life's rich tapestry/pageant adult animator animateness lineman streetwise national service life insurance horoscope double life hydrozoa self-definition educate golden years quality of life Alcestis pneuma heaven consummation nourish biopolitics storybook benefits administration Oxbridge timeserver escapism obituary regurgitate neuroendocrinology jerusalem official language imago science fiction subsist healthspan sense edaphon lead a dog's life clover melanin maturity blackdamp someone’s personal life lifelike later life archaean hard line money creature comfort metaphysical juvenile delinquency retirement annuity introversion brigandage Champagne Charlie live/be in clover bistro town life lifeblood citizen life happy zest for life indulgence vivo prana ecology live out sth tenancy pur autre vie RNA world Sparta secularity Clotho rational soul church liferent lifeline premium loan Renan, Ernest winter nomadization palaeontography mechanism sporozoite suburbandom thalassography devout education streetology meroplanktonic Gaian superego Camarasaurus evangel futurism scene palaeontology slave deplorable Attenborough, Sir David apollo creation science dissogeny soil senectitude acceleration alternation of generations corporation life insurance Nash Santayana encomium silvics corn god educational sociology Atropos the university of life maraboutism ashrama free-living homely prorogator mimesis institution starvation wages truthfulness sexology fetally life spring hide born yellow leaf ever fatal exist the gutter continue life-history pellicle primordial solitude vagrancy goddess religious cesium 137 departure hydroid afternoon morne microorganism archizoic hermeneutics hipsterism biochemic folklife married life rarefied autumn anchoritism body whorl Bushido barbarous reductionism faunizone material culture drama civvy street Jesus by-election abundance young insular life-rate gerontic brood parasitism anchoretism barbarian tundra mana protovertebra supermind Freytag midewiwin Surtees body chamber hitch Esther metaphysics urodele merozoite rule patch-bay ontogeny Enoch macro photography on hospice (care) macroevolution modern the male menopause promastigote bioarchaeology peer amniota life stage Rockwell, Norman deliver last day Nashe apheta life testing history renew down-home natural death control in embryo late ring buoy aerobiosis conventual heteromorphic hydromedusa monastical holobenthic live the good life respiration trophozoite economic vegetive stage thirst dish still life desertification disanimate livelihead vampirism Cavallini Hinduism socialist realism prime expectancy Comanchean kundalini energy bigotry code keyman insurance fireside expiry viviperfuse rhyparography preorganic life's work temporal play flesh old battle termination freehold skin infantilism biosignature anti-life wreckage macrobian monogamy interior being third age town living last put something out of its misery sailoring way solitary blood money pricket nomism cork jacket life-estate life-tenant life income policy bioenvironmental civic humanism industrialism civic crown fausen vagabond content daena mariculture last end archaeozoic condition nothingness pinnacle curriculum vitae internal urban jungle life-office autobiography pubescence omnicide life buoy reproduction transformation gloaming putz zone cloister pteridophyte sanyasi Kilvert antisocial Bruegel deschool mendicant book-learned townish Atellan hearthstone Anderson Auchincloss, Louis Stanton New Age Indian summer settle Renan natural premium dissociation a mensa et thoro novel stimulism jiva simplistic Irishry company town juvenile insurance thou canon product life cycle ancient history regeneration good life teliospore substantive right slavery eremite daminozide calisthenics rigor lifeful quicken line of Life imperialism Cooper, James Fenimore habitat glider period conversion line of Mars lifeless -biosis thing demise

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Words For "the ups and downs of life"

As you've probably noticed, words for "the ups and downs of life" are listed above. According to the algorithm that drives this word similarity engine, the top 5 related words for "the ups and downs of life" are: balance, up, down, death, and gospel. There are 992 other words that are related to or similar to the ups and downs of life listed above. Hopefully the generated list of words for "the ups and downs of life" above suit your needs. If not, you might want to check out Related Words - another project of mine which uses a different technique (not though that it works best with single words, not phrases).

About Reverse Dictionary

The way Reverse Dictionary works is pretty simple. It simply looks through tonnes of dictionary definitions and grabs the ones that most closely match your search query. For example, if you type something like "longing for a time in the past", then the engine will return "nostalgia". The engine has indexed several million definitions so far, and at this stage it's starting to give consistently good results (though it may return weird results sometimes). It acts a lot like a thesaurus except that it allows you to search with a definition, rather than a single word. So in a sense, this tool is a "search engine for words", or a sentence to word converter.

I made this tool after working on Related Words which is a very similar tool, except it uses a bunch of algorithms and multiple databases to find similar words to a search query. That project is closer to a thesaurus in the sense that it returns synonyms for a word (or short phrase) query, but it also returns many broadly related words that aren't included in thesauri. So this project, Reverse Dictionary, is meant to go hand-in-hand with Related Words to act as a word-finding and brainstorming toolset. For those interested, I also developed Describing Words which helps you find adjectives and interesting descriptors for things (e.g. waves, sunsets, trees, etc.).

In case you didn't notice, you can click on words in the search results and you'll be presented with the definition of that word (if available). The definitions are sourced from the famous and open-source WordNet database, so a huge thanks to the many contributors for creating such an awesome free resource.

Special thanks to the contributors of the open-source code that was used in this project: Elastic Search, @HubSpot, WordNet, and @mongodb.

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